Beverage Doyenne

So I have a thang for beverages- yup- I do.  So much so that I have my own line of coconut milk based bevies in the works. Stay tuned for that y’all. One beverage that is standing out from the rest for me in the market place right now is Guayaki’s (pronounced Gway-uh-kee) Sparkling Yerba Mate organic ginger grapefruit.  Yerba Mate is a tea from South America that is traditionally served in gourds. It naturally has an earthy/woodsey/smokey flavor that can be an acquired taste- so this flavor can be a way to ease on into trying yerba mate tea. It’s a phenom lil buz weighing in at 80 mg naturally occurring caffeine per can and only 45 calories- and I love the flavor combo of the grapefruit ginger.  My favorite thing about this can of crisp sparkling delight is the sugar content– or lack there of I should say. Clocking 11 grams per can- Guayaki uses organic agave and stevia to sweeten. For a reactive hypoglycemic like me (stay tuned for a post on that) this “soda” is perfect when i need a little pick me up but don’t feel like ingesting 30 grams of cane sugar that sweetens most other beverages and makes my pancreas shriek in horror. Sugar is sugar is sugar is sugar- and the less in your life- the better.  Also, if you want to get really crazy- I add aloe vera juice to it and find it a refreshing tonic.  Aloe vera juice is loaded with minerals that increase enzyme activity and aid your body in detoxing.  #winning

Has anyone else out there tried it?  Let me know what you think!


4 thoughts on “Beverage Doyenne

  1. Loving the beverage enthusiasm. Yerba mate is something I’d rather try from a local South American type than out of a can. Aloe vera juice is similarly weird, although I’m sure it deserves a chance.
    Here are two articles I wrote about my own admittedly strange beverage preferences, and in that month I wrote three other articles about beverages.

    1. yay! it is seriously tasty and sooooooo much better for you than diet or reg soda.. I know they have it at whole foods- but that flavor is the only one they sweeten with stevia and agave so it has a much lower sugar content. Lemme know what you think if you buy it!

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